by Neha Keshav | Nov 22, 2022
There’s just nothing really available right now that does what fastIEP does, in my opinion.
by Neha Keshav | Nov 22, 2022
One of the things that I like about fastIEP is that if I had to go to court and defend that this child met the goal or didn’t make this goal, then all I have to do is pull up your information off of fastIEP.
by Neha Keshav | Nov 22, 2022
This is something I can sit down with my parents and show them, you know, really show them what’s going on.
by Neha Keshav | Nov 22, 2022
fastIEP is very appealing to the eye. It’s appealing, and you actually want to go in and work with it. The fact that it’s so colorful…. The colors actually mean something, they’re not just there.
by Neha Keshav | Nov 22, 2022
My teachers are completely overwhelmed with paperwork. And so when I saw fastIEP, I thought, this is what I’ve been looking for, for about 30 years.