Video Submission

Show us how you use fastIEP!

We want to feature our actual users interacting with fastIEP. Are you interested in being featured on our site, and earning money in the process? See below!

Grab a friend and take a 3-4 minute video of you using fastIEP!

  • Use the angles listed below.
  • The video does not have to be perfect; we’ll just be taking short clips.
  • We’ll be in touch to send you a $20 Amazon gift card after your submission!
  • If your clip is used, you’ll be entered into a giveaway for $100 gift card!

User Challenge

Video angles:

1. A video of you using fastIEP over your shoulder, with the side profile of your face and all of the screen.

2. A video of mostly the screen, and a small part of your face (e.g. your nose) in view.

3. A video of you typing and using the mouse, close up.

4. A video of you using fastIEP at the front of the classroom, or in whatever natural environment you might log data.

5. The video should encompass your classroom, to show context for where you would log data. The space does not need to be perfect!

6. Please do not show any students’ faces.

7. If you are unable to take a video in your classroom while students are present, then please take it from an angle where you can see you are in a place where you teach, but cannot see there is no one in the classroom.

8. The final angle will be straight on, with your face visible. Please say this full sentence and fill in the blank: “I like using fastIEP because ________________.”

9. A reminder: smile throughout the video! It can be strange to be videotaped, so make it fun 🙂 Most of the time we will not be using the audio in your video (aside from the above bullet), so you don’t need to worry about the audio much.

Submit your video now!

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Maximum video size 2 GB. If your video is too large to upload, please email